(it's on the 28th of August btw.)
go to her blog to wish her k,
help her ks nuffnang's money x)
hope you like (and dont loose) the present :)
Went to dave's cafe at ou after school.
food there kicks ass okay!
munyi with everyone else.
jo, got another one for you to put on your piano/ monitor
rep for jou since she refused to get up and take a picture. =.=
good imitation, munyi.
*smiles sheepishly at jou
ordered like 6 plates of pasta to share,
wasnt really full though.
group picture!
"omg jo, are you tip-toeing?"-sieuminn
after finishing the pasta..
"mei.. i dont feel so good.."
"har serious ar?"
*body wrenches forward and covers mouth*
*pushes the chair back and runs out of the shop*
*runs after*
and we came back about 10 minutes later..
with this :)
sorry for scaring you guys.
but uh, if it's no one's birthday
then i'm for real okay.
very berry strawberry.
cheryl messed around with the dry ice..
pretty :)
and chucked it into water.
"wingardium leviosa!"
"you know she's really enjoying her food when she's sucking her cutlery."
walked over to friday's to crash zu's surprise party by them jati-ans.
dont worry dear,
we won't get you food for your birthday :)
and guess where we went after that?
thanks for not ditching me at cambridge :D
2 more months left dear!
on a random note,
notice the shirt?
it says,
this shirt would look great on your floor.
josephine says,
oh that means your floor is very ugly lah?