first aid courses scare me.not cause we have to read about/visualise extremely gruesome stuff,
not cause we have to take one on one CPR exams,
but cause you go home confused between body movements and blowing.
*inside joke. dont think anyone would get it though =P
i found this dog extremely adorable.
sorry zen, muffin's been moved down the list.(elmo was never on it k, jo?)
not many pictures of the course itself here though,
will post on multiply by tomorrow promise :D


somehow or other, i always see the four of them together.
i think aik lynn and i
(would) make good partners.

can you picture it?
everyone kept fondling with charlie.

poor dummy.

LOL natasha.

cheryl and her purple socks. =P
i like upper-angled pictures.

reminds me of pauline's form 1 sejarah project somehow.
ring a bell, pau?hyperglycemia. (which technically means getting high on sugar =P)

look into my eyes LAH" -amir.
aiklynn was very busy the whole weekend telling everyone who would listen about her and horngqing's married life and their household ongoings.

hq, you better be thankful you're not going for camp..

i think my fav part of the course was bandaging,
though i suck so badly at it.

aspirations, perhaps?

omg are you gonna put this in your log?!"
yoke's been making me happy looking at the camera :D

hq dropped yoke lol.

oooohhhhh mmmyyyyy gooooooddddd soooo hhiiiiggghhhh..."
first aid courses ain't just sitting and listening okay,
gotta sit for theory and practical examinations as well.

and that's how we did it.
did i mention that aiklynn was my partner?

i was quite scared, for my body's sake.
breaktime's always such a bore.

this is GG.
gossip gang :D

somehow, the words on the board correspond with charlie's (the dummy) expressions.

kenneth and i.
reminds me so much of kheng hooi.
would you believe me when i say..

that the two of them are our age?munkit and hariz.

yangzheng + kimtjonjeim lookalike, at certain angles.
jonathan and i.

i had to stand on a table to take this =.=
"you seem to like blowing.."may.