hugs and kisses
to the girl i used to tap dance with
our mvp, our bfg (big friendly girl), our nay nay!
and to the one with a brain like a sieve
the best tL ever!
had my sister's farewell dinner at sri thai last night, jou was invited too :D
first time i had kurma as an appetizer.
kerabu, i do not like.
didnt get a picture of the pandan chicken..
i'm not one who likes fish, but i like this.
the tomyum was a bit weird.
some taufu thing
son-in-law's egg.
wonder whats the origin of the name.
4-angle beans, "kacang botol"
some kinda otak-otak cum fish cake that looked like cookies.
personal fav, thab thim crob. shared with jou.
mwaxmwax pingies.
went to the ariport at 6.30 am this morning.
stepping out of malaysia ><
the ongs and the lims
sniff. missing you already ping and jie! (sorry got no pic of you..)
dad was hungry and decided to go for some bakuteh at ss3.
yummmy yummy.
the car couldnt start, and we waited for an hour and a half for AAM.
i think the car got towed, i took a cab home.
mei's brother took us for banana leaf at ss2 for lunch.
"hehhehheh. kanasai.."
literally got ambushed by the waiters.
the guy asked for his picture.
looks good doesnt it? :)
everyone kept giving mei the stuff they didnt want.
..but they ended up dumping all the veggies on my banana leaf and eating mei's/jou's fried fish.
"mei, wanna picture with korkor?"
"yeah, do you wanna picture with korkor?"
*p/s, go to mei's blog.
am at mei's house at the moment, jou and mei're going insane with the cajon and drums set. i think mei isnt letting munyi in the house for going home to get a shower. figures.
dum tak!