the last day of school wasn't so bad.
munyi looks so angry.
cheryl in a pinafore, minn lying on all of us.
pendatang haram.
jou came over and fell asleep.
2nd time already la oi.
uncle eddie took jou, mei and i to dk for ball with cheryl.
brought pizza from lunch.
didnt look too happy now, did she?
spent the whole of friday watching heroes.
went to sleep from 7pm to 7 am after that -.-
went for a meeting at du court with miss melody.
turns out it was more of a solo camp meeting instead of a seniors meeting.
keyao temaned me to wondermilk and mcd after that.
peanut butter?
it's MINUTE.
the rest came slightly later.
walked to dk with pauline to meet up with cheryl.
went to cheryl's house till one.
we were super fascinated with the magnet thingys.
miss melody took us to section 19 for the johor jamboree meeting.
miss yih wen's super canggih GPS thingy.
petaling's troop leader.
haha, cute.
plineee and rylryl.
miss yih wen and miss alicia.
miss melody mr tai loong.
went to antonio's for dinner.
the food there was really kick ass.
though it was slightly on the expensive side.
complimentary baguette and some olive thingy.
discovered that jean likes black olives too.
some salad..
caesar's salad. i liikkkeeee.
escargo. the sauce was damn good.
mission #1: force one down jou's throat.
tomato bruschetta.
breaded mushroom.
calamari rings.
diavola pizza. damn nice :)
pasta a la antonio's.
aglio e olio.
vongole, my personal fav :)
pollo a la antonio's,
the chicken was stuffed with cheese and spinace :)
ben asked for extra sauteed garlic, much to jean's disgust.
to top it off with something sweet,
(yea man, my fav desserts all in one meal)
the best tiramisu i've ever tasted in my entire life.
creme brulee.
apple pie.
jean and dr edward, my dentist/dad's friend.
thanks neeraj for telling your dad we'd be coming :)
and i'm not complimenting the food just to kiss your ass, i genuinely like the food :)
this is for you, jo/jou.
zhijian's nose.
hmm.. bali..?