joo and peckie organised a surprise for natasha in the canteen during recess.
damn cool, the whole canteen was singing to her.
she was like, so stunned.
one whole big gang of us shared to get her 2 perfumes.
versace bright crystal.
ralph lauren cool.
alamak pictures blur =.=
during afternoon troop,
the form 3s and form 4s wanted to surprise their dear QM as well.
and they got her 2 cakes. lol.
some strawberry chocolate cake from secret recipe, which, surprisingly, kicked ass.
"happy birthday leng lui panas (QM)".
so for uniform inspection during afternoon troop, i got some of the form 4s to fall out to get the cakes ready.
aik lynn got natasha to stand in the middle of the horseshoe and they started singing "happy birthday" to her in english, chinese and bm.
it took so long for for to get the candles lighted,
they repeated and repeated god knows how many times,
then aik lynn made them run circles. -.-
they were using a. blowtorch. to light the candles.
once again, she was damn stunned.
haha. she looks hungry.
i think they tried to push her head in the cake but didnt get/dare to.
so after troop, when she was giving out cake to everyone,
zu took her chance. :P
greedy greedy natasha. tsk tsk ;)
the people who made today an awesome one:
peckie :D
joo! :)
the form 3s.
the form 4s.
and the form 5s. :D
tried to slr a few pictures with my humble ixus.
fail la fail. :(
ah well.. heh.
hope you had an awesome day, you sexy thang! :)
--earlier today--
the no longer cina girl from the cina school.
you're a big girl now, yea?
woo i'l bring petai to school for you one day or something, :D
ain't nothing but a mistake,