went for
earth hour: walk of hope yesterday night at
with lynnette
(and family), hazel, mark, suzen and minghan.
minghan picked us up and went to lynnette's place.
needed to follow from behind her dad's car.
eh it looks like they're making out.=.=

walked over to
capsquare from the carpark.
went there, registered and got our t-shirts and glow-in-the-dark wristbands.
one lil gang of us. our t shirts were pretty simple:

this in the front.

and that at the back.
still prefer the other design tho. :(
they were giving out free
starbucks coffee!
went back in to stone for a while, went into the supermarket.
banana jooooooooze?
bleh. i hate clowns.

kuli. keke.
there were lots of stalls,
selling food, clothes, accessories, etc etc.

heh. i was hungry.

the chicken chop was pretty kickass.

started off with a mini marchpast by these people.

joey g, who was the emcee for the night.

CHARMS, the national cheerleading team, had a good performance.

the scottish wannabe people played the bagpipes and danced after that.

the final 8 contestants of one in a milllion were there, performed a song together.

the walk didnt start at 6.30, as planned.

that's not even one eighth of the people there okay.
spot the esther. :P
about 2000 came for the walk, btw :)
no idea what starbucks has to do with earth hour,
but they gave 20% off everything between 8.30 - 9.30!
the officials who officiated the walk.

so we started off our walk from capsquare at about 7.30.

saw this burning cup on the floor the minute we started walking.

mark, using his ki.

everyone stopped here and there to camwhore.
and yell at buses, cars, and everything else on the road.then we got back to capsquare =.=

the walk was so damn short. seriously.
it's like, as far as one utama to centrepoint. or less.

went back to the stage area and watched some performances.

hahaha suzen and her lychee drink.
so at 20.29.50 hours, they started their countdown.

sixty minutes.

kltower shut their lights off about 3 seconds before time.
damn potong.
and the twin towers, which usually look like this:
one minute of their electricity can fry 10 elephants okay.became this:

yup. quite awesome laa.
the whole of capsquare shut their lights.
our only source of light was the candles around us.

they stacked them up, thought it was quite cute.

i like the candle-cup thingies.

they had some sorta hakka dance and firebreathing performance.

pretty. :)
camwhore :D

zen and i.
reminds us of that pic we took during forum, yes?
esther was there too :D

stoning around, waiting for the walk to start.

lynnette, hazel and i.

hazel and joey g. lol

hamburger face

suzen and mark :D

lynnetteeee 8O

dear lord, mark.

when we just started walking.

me and minghan.

zen and i.

mark and zen.

check hazel's snob face out ;)

the girls :)

and again. lol.
lynnette's clan. O.o
went for a short drive in minghan's car with suzen and mark around kl,
following behind lynnette's car.
went to
mama's kitchen for supper/really late dinner after that.

suzen and mark.

claypot lou see fun is the bomb.
jou, when you come back this is the first thing i'm feeding you okay :)
polished clean. we were damn hungry okay.
still am tho.
mmm. life's good.
currently hooked onto
i'll be-edwin mccain.
the band played it during the walk of hope. :)stop me and steal my breath,may.