went to school at about 4.30 for camp.
started off by arranging the urus setia and cleaning the toilets. x/
the girls'.
the guys'.
juniors during registration and spotchecking.
the pLs.
the apLs.
zu and yanleng lol.
msk which was run by the form 3s.
mr ketua urus setia looking constipated before his speech.
aik lynn and natasha, typical typical.
form 3s.
pn shalini getting the royal treatment.
went back to the urus setia.
keyao and serena.
them, cooking dinner.
bet the form 5s had fun telling their stories about their teachers to pn shalini.
went down with cheryl to do the dishes.
spotted this damn cute grey cat.
and we all know how cheryl is with cats..
looks like we're taking exams in the urus setia.
went down to take pictures of the form 4s bivoucs.
those were the days. heh.
funny how their inspection was at night though.
form 3s had a fine dining after that.
memasak dan melayan, that is.
when they were ready:
i was the only person who liked their friend spaghetti thing.
strawberry milkshake..
and chocolate fondue!
hey zu, didnt our patrol do this during jaya camp too?
just not so nice la right? ;P
japanese theme.
sushi O.o
but i kept going back for their teriyaki. heh heh. sorry guys. :P
miss aik sha and one of the patrol's very buttered up corn.
didnt manage to get a picture of this patrol's food.
the japanese theme patrol.
and the fondue patrol.
fuyoh they even had dominique seranading them.
aww, widdle juniors taking their knots test.
form 4s were doing their backwoods in the midst of all that.
kenvern, chunkhee and peili.
kiengbeng, sengkai, keikeat and eirene.
one big gang.
ahahhahahahahaha lookit ee choong.
watermelon looks damn good when you're dehydrated man.
they tried making hard boiled eggs in watermelon. not sure of the outcome tho.
*half boiled eggs, shudders in disgust
fulamak. dunno which scouter they were trying to kill.
inspection time..
pauline, natasha and keyao.
and of course, aik lynn ;)
the next morning, after the most lenient morning exercise ever,
juniors getting breakfast.
mr kai xian, showing his culinary arts skills.
juniors rushing to get ready for morning inspection.
cheryl and i followed the scouters down to take pictures.
patrol frog:
pL armand.
their minute Qm.
talking about their tent.
patrol cow:
pL melissa.
a too short gerbang.
shake it! :D
lol. what you should NOT do when you don't have a can opener.
mr negaraku.
patrol duck:
pL benjamin.
*picks up one messtin*
all the other messtins fall.
layout blues. haihz.
"heh. if this uhm. rubbish or firewood?"
patrol cat:
pL nigel.
check out albert.
a too small shoe rack.
mr hanming looks very exasperated.
patrol wolf:
pL cassandra.
the Qm and apL.
O.o a saw in their rak alatan makanan.
patrol sheep:
pL joshua.
"lalang" tent.
leaning rak makanan.
mini gerbang lol.
fuyoh looks like a hurricane hit their layouts.
patrol tiger:
pL han sheng.
ampaian in the middle of no where.
timothy low low low. ;)
damn. i still remember how i felt during morning inspections.
had istiadat after that.
the recruits who passed their tests got to install their keahlian.
haha.. reminds me a lot of something..

back in 2006..
welcome to the family. :D
zu and miss aik sha cooking lunch.
some of the f5s with miss vineeta.
the juniors had backwoods for lunch.
supervised patrol wolf with keyao for a bit.
roti lilit making.
they were having quite a hard time starting a fire.
patrol cow's fish.
lol damn cute. literally, a fruit basket.
patrol wolf's.
patrol frog's.
patrol duck's.
patrol sheep's.
patrol tiger's.
patrol cow's.
patrol cat's.
if i'm wrong, leave a message in the cbox. correct me yeah.
patrol sheep enjoying what's left of their food.
pn adyani trying backwoods for the first time.
jeng jeng jeng..
halangan komando: behind the scenes.
mr and miss wong.
mr teh and miss lim.
seng kai emo.
lol simon. damn funny.
looks like a very pissed of housewife or something like that.
happy lil form 4s.
as for some of the form threes, they were busy getting ready for mk night's fireball.
there was a slight problem with the structure, so they moved it to next to the dewan.
too bad we didnt have any zinc pieces in the den yea?
as for mk night itself,
fire O.o
cheryl and ken vern. your two dah-lings, jou.
some of the seniors in their indian/punjabi costumes.
aiklynn and aaron, playing some propose, marry and divorce (in cantonese) game.
some of the better pictures of the patrol's performances:
patrol wolf.
patrol cat.
and the form 3s who installed their badges that night :)
thanks for the lil surprise :)
keamsunn had honey stars for supper with me :D
the next morning,
morning inspection again.
didnt go down this time, but natasha had my camera.
patrol cow.
patrol frog.
patrol tiger.
patrol cat and a bit of patrol sheep.
patrol wolf.
patrol duck.
jeng jeng jeng.. morning inspection day 2.
lol. life sux to be you.
patrol sheep's qm, sabrina.
horng qing berkuli-ing.
mr joel in action.
while the juniors were having their morning inspection,
the form 4s were taking down their bivoucs.
nic was trying to clean up the toilet.
aiklynn's invention.
which came in pretty useful during the wash.
stayed in the urus setia with zu and nat to help them with lunch.
istiadat from our POV.
the spare time activity i put up was very popular in the last few hours of camp.
spare time activities:
1. recite the Scouts oath. (10 points)
2. recite the 10 Scout laws. (30 points)
3. sing negaraku. (5 points)
4. sing any Scout songs with action. (20 points)
5. name all the Scouters present for camp. (30 points)
6. name the COH 08/09 board. (5 points)
7. name the seniors present for camp. (30 points)
8. name 15 equipment in the den. (30 points)
9. what is miss Melody's email? (20 points)
10. make Horng Qing (ATL; f5) laugh. (20 points)
all the pLs.
mississipi-ing mr cheah's full name. video will be up soon.
singing little green frog. check out melissa lol.
han sheng had to do a solo after that.
trying their luck with miss melody's email.
zu's brother did nearly every spare time activity.
aaron ong reciting the scouts oath.
aaaahhh so cuuuute.
okay what's scout law number three.
pengakap adalah.. *looks at mr shawn's tomyum..* seorang yang.. *looks at mr shawn's tomyum*..
aiyo how you expect him to answer, he keeps looking at your food only!
aiklynn doing what she does best.
she actually asked him where he got his scout pants from. lol.
at the same time, the juniors were cleaning up their camp site and cooking lunch.
amir with some from patrol sheep.
looks like some love at first sight ad. heh.
joshua ning! haha.
after they completely moved from their campsites,
they had a monkey bridge session with the form 4s.
some of them even got to walk across.
istiadat penutup was held after that.
en ismail and his rather.. illuminating speech.
f3s, f4s, and f5s.
of course, the prize giving ceremony.
and the winners are.........
best patrol: patrol cow
best pL: nigel fong (patrol cat)
best apL: joshua ning (patrol cat)
best Qm: brandon yong (patrol frog)
best Qa: chuah chongthayk (patrol duck)
best pb (girl): lee pui yee (patrol sheep)
best pb (boy): muhd haiqal (patrol frog)
best STA: patrol cat
best form 3: jonathan yip & tan wei wen
best form 4: wong yuanzhen & raehan yogaratnam
best urusetia: cheryL and zu! :)
all the BP spirit winners :) lol too many to list here la okay.
congrats to patrol cow for getting best patrol! :)
aiklynn and natasha. lol.
would you believe that in this whole camp,
it only rained/drizzled heavily once?
and after the closing ceremony,
the time when the f5s were supposed to do some real work,
it started pouring?
=.= kns.
the scouters.
cheryl, mr ivan and amir.
went to the garbage area to help the seniors transfer the garbage to the gazebo.
sorry for leaving so early guys ><
thanks for the ride home after camp (again)! ;)
our last camp as scouts.. unless we can make it for usaha camp.
and to the juniors who werent so happy about how camp went,
it's okay, many more to come ;)
heh sorry mr. s and miss.
should've known better than to spam with MY camera.
finally. fulamak.