let me be the first to introduce
73rd pj's new COH09/10 online.
troop leader: Lim Kien Beng
assistant troop leader: Lee Ken Vern
secretary: Tan Heang Lee
treasurer: Wong Ee Choong
quartermaster 1: Yee Peili
quartermaster 2: Liew Zee Jiun
disciplinary officer: Wong Yuanzhen
*sighs with sadness. and maybe a bit of relief. :P
pn shalini was given the honour of announcing the new board during istiadat penutup during morning troop earlier today.
and yoke pointed out that all the members of the new COH were roughly the same height. lol.
i swear i could hear the form 4s heartbeat from where i was standing, about 2 feet away from them :P
first act as tL. congrats, girl.
:D reminds me so much of our (the old coh's :() picture.
aww. they're lovin each other already.
bendahari and bendahari.
aiklynn. aww there, there.
oh and we had our english oral today.
it was a group presentation where we had to present our group's invention.
ABAMEP: a balanced meal in a pill!
yes, we know you've already read/seen it in roald dahl's charlie and the chocolate factory but whatever.
hey jou, remember our english presentation in form 2?

ahahah! that ripcurl keychain of yours.. lollollol.
and the best invention of all was from felina's group.
its called the "GG Bra". three guesses why =.=.
and the scout's favourite tree got struck by lightning..
aww. no football for you guys.
oh well, too bad. :P
i said shush girl, shut your lips,