i'm completely, absolutely, very happy with all the presents this year.
WOO. i ammm haaaapppppyyyyy.
so yeah, thank you, from the bottom of my 17 years and 2 days old heart, for everything!
first off,
thank you mommy and daddy for letting me have the party at our house! haha.
doesnt beat an slr but oh well, we don't always get what we want. i'll be waiting till after exams then :D
ping, for the card all the way from ireland,
and uncle sg, aunty joolee, jacq and kevin for the card all the way from hongkong!
for getting a bouquet delivered to my house though you're absolutely busy with your finals,
pauline, (and kun?)
for the absolutely pretty-fying painting of the dragonfly and the nike sockss.
darren and steph,
for the famous amos cookies.
ahha i dont wanna get fat laaa why la you all doing this to mee.
aunty laygaik,
for my favourite soap, strawberry from body shop, and the loofa.
cv, ed, mel and jian,
for the sandisk pendrive :D
for the kingston pendrive.
ahah ashvin, we match now!
hey, one for videos and one for pictures right minghan HAHAHA.
neeraj, for the book,
pretty good stuff so far. ;)
bethesda house church and anc's youth group,
for the tank top and the super stylo-mylo pocket bible!
aiklynn and yoke,
for the schmexy women's secret underwear lol!
who bought you that?
aiklynn and yoke..?
*turns around to aiklynn
mark, suzen and hazel,
for the top and shorts from nichii,
and mark for the cupid card. ;)
aunty margaret, for the angpau,
which i used to get this top and these converse shoes :D
minn, mei, cheryl and ashvin,
for the ipanema slippers and the weights!
trixha, nick, munyi, natasha and siewmun,
for the stripper heels ahah!
yet another weapon in the shoe cupboard x)
eema, for the angpau,
ahma for the angpau,
aunty ong and uncle teh, for the angpau.
heeheeheehee i'm not broke anymore heeheeheehee.
and last but not least,
my hunny mingyhanny,
who switched lecture days to spend the day with me,
composed a birthday song for me and posted it on youtube,
now don't you all just want my boyfriend now harharhar kidding
for a new awesome possum pair of heels,
though they killed my feet after a while but i'm slowly breaking them in!
and literally, icing on the cake,
surprising me with my favourite, african fridge cake,
which everyone thought was damn kickass. :)
i love you all,
i love all my presents,
i love my 17th! haha!
one big slobbery mwaxmwax to all of you :D
may is many happy,