ping's back 10 days early, wanted to surprise my parents. lol
so i sneaked out of the house (after waiting a hundred years for my dad to go to work, my mom was still gettin ready to go to the office) at about 6.50 am, jie and mrs ong picked me up and headed over to klia.
new car! lol.
'walau.. damn hot la...'
well she still acts and sounds malaysian.
it was 9 in the morning.
which had nothing there though it was supposedly a 24 hour kfc.
had to wait for a bit for our food.
and they didnt even HAVE hot and spicy, they're doing the whole breakfast meal thing now.
pathetic.. PATHETIC.. ><
hasbrowns, scrambled egg, chicken and cheese in a wrap.
mrs ong and jie.
we were still hungry (cause the food at kfc was patheticly small) so we went to a coffee shop at aman suria near jie's house.
seafood porridge.
kuey teow soup.
you guessed it.. she demanded for prawn mee too.
wasnt that hungry after THAT.
went to jie's house after that.

polka lamanaaaa!
black macbook. T.T
the surprise was.. rather different from what we expected.
my sister turned off the video before my dad came running out of the toilet yelling (not exaggerating here).
i walk in my parent's room,
ping follows behind with the camera.
mom was on the bed, dad was in the shower.
ping calls my mom,
mom looks up and stoned at her.
(you can practically see the gears moving up there in her noodles)
mom looks at me.
mom reacts.
dad hears sister laughing dad runs out of toilet in a towel and yells
mhmm. we expected my dad to stone and my mom to react but oh well.
she's unpacking now. lol. lots and lots of addition (her clothes, not new ones) to my closet kekeke.
...your winter attire for my trip to london at the end of the year.