(cause she's the only one out of the kempas 7-di-belakang gang who hasnt gone yet)
munyi, ashvin why la you didnt come :(
"sieu minn said she wanted to wear a bright colour, so in case we get lost we can take her shirt off and wave it around. someone in those high rise condos will surely see it past the trees."
started from the park..
after about 20-30 minutes of high frequency complaints and whines from sieu minn,
we reached our "checkpoint".
didnt really take pictures on the way up, i was in my morning mood.
(sorry for being unusually whiny and grumpy guys)
got out to kiara hill and stopped for some jenny hong and mei took us back into the jungle to get back to the park cause sieu minn wanted to "play waterfall!"
(kononnya shorter route to the park, but i agree with sieu minn, i'd rather go on tar road.)
it's funny how each individual have different fears, no?
*click to enlarge, look at meiyin
THIS is what sieu minn meant by play waterfall. =.=
"eee! i wanna catch fish!"
i think she was trying to measure the depth of the stream.
i think jou was feeling impatient again.
the happy
and the grumpy.
cheryl caught a dragonfly. pretty isn't it?
cheryl in the warm up area is HILARIOUS.
went to aseana, klcc for lunch with my parents and ben later that day.
(i was told to not call him uncle)
ping, ben's been uhm, "promoted".

from this.. (from the last time we went)
to this.
i think he just came back from genting or something like that.
the last time i went, i was still whining for a new camera.
phal, the manager of the restaurant and my dad's friend
was extremely facinated with my ixus :D
he's quite a good photographer, actually.
we ordered the same stuff as we did the last time round.
jelly coconut.
yea it's actually very light jelly in there. yummy yummy :)
i liked my mom's drink too, aseana rose or something like that.
kinda like fizzy sirap bandung only somehow much nicer.
salmon head curry. this kicks ass.
i'm not one who eats a lot of fish, let alone the head,
but i was practically fighting againts ben for the last bit.
my middle eastern lamb stew which was damn good.
not the usual kinda lamb stew yeah?
everyone else had normal rice with the curry.
i think they serve somewhat unique desserts there..
i know it looks funny but it's quite good.
some kinda banana with brown sugar and coconut.
tapioca with coconut and syrup.
looks can be deceiving, i kid you not.
needed to get a ride from mei to training and i decided to return her scooter which was in my house since july.
scooted from my house to her house,
tripped, got laughed at, and my left leg was partially paralysed after that.
then our dear captain messaged us, "sorry, it's gonna rain. training cancelled". -_____________________-
lepakked at her house for a while. i was so bored, i actually got high.
...that was only a part of it.
here's to jou, have fun laughing at this picture.
just remember, everything happens for a reason. it may be something really bad/irritating now,
but who knows. it might turn some tables around for other things. :)