the whole bloody team didnt turn up except for 8 or 9 of us.
you guys rock la.
the poor guy's taking culinary arts,
and he's already had 3 cakes in the past week.
hope you liked it anyway phung. :D
parents took jou and i to village park for breakfast after training.
jou and i had to wait half an hour for roti bakar with kaya and butter. =.=
daggles was very very reluctant to smile.
mommy and her lontong.
went home, took a shower and mei picked jou and i up to go to ou. (where else right)
met up with munyi and mark, and ashvin was late as usual.
jusco going bananas!
went to zanmai for lunch.
still on my yogurt diet. -.-
i really really hate having braces.
poor mark was the only guy for lunch and the movie.
had to wait super loooooooooooong for an 8 man table.
ah, food i could not eat.
mei/munyi, what's this thing called again?
some kinda weird salmon tuna thing. bleurgh.
salmon and soft shell crab handrolls.
sake sashimi.
er, i forgot what this was called.
tempura udon.
you can so tell i didnt take this picture right.
some unagi rice thing.
zaru soba.
ashvin didnt eat either
but she sure kept herself busy.
headed to GSC to watch
high school musical 3.
or in BM, muzikal remaja 3.
ashvin is so spastic.
then again, so am i.
go figure.
spastic and spastic version pnjb.
the movie was okay la, there were a few nice songs.
they had the funniest facial expressions and stuff that kept the 8 of us laughing at random.
cheryl managed to piss the lady in front of her off, though that wasnt much of a surprise -.-
mark looks deranged.
and as usual.
cheryl =.=
seriously, can we order different food next time? -.-
you dont need me to tell you who ordered this.
i think the waitress finds us very amusing.
after waiting for sieu minn's mom,
my mom took 9 of us to the toi's residence in the opel, which usually seats 7 including the driver.
mark in front,
me, jo, jou, siew mun and munyi in the middle (which usually fits 3)
mei, ashvin and cheryl at the back. (which usually fits 2)
mwaxmwax to mummy, thank you. :D
sieu ee's hard work.
we were quite bored waiting for them to come back from IKEA.
okay when the sparrow is coming,
the peacock will receive a signal from the eagle
and we'll all retreat into the nest
i thought the eggs will roll to the grass and surprise the sparrow?
why the hell are you all talking about birds?!
she isnt the peacock, in case you're wondering.
we had to do it twice cause sieu minn was on the phone and didnt notice us =.=
she kept going on about how we lied to her.
and it was time (for them) to eat..
as usual, pauline and cheryl were the first to volunteer at the bbq pit.
they took over after a while.
sorry sieu minn, not trying to compete with your sexy legs.
ed looks retarded -.=
eh pauline the smoke makes it look very romantic o..
hey ping, it's a sieu ee!
mark chua, mark fung and mark timothy. :D
did you guys plan to wear the same colour?
uhm, no, thats the 5th time someone's asked me today.
louis the barbarian.
for once, yoke took a nice pic :D
sieu minn banished us from her garden/porch/patio?
abit gay la oi -.-
cs's so camera shyyyyy.
pimpette working it again.
i see no point in this, really. =.=
started playing a few hilarious round of charades after a while.
team siew mun.. without siew mun.
team pauline.
eh omg this is like lion king.. sinba sinba!
the ice cream cake kicked ass. :D
watching sieu minn open presents is absolutely heartbreaking.
"oh, i have already.
ooo now i have this.. in another colour.
eh yerrrrr why you so weird one??"
or she'll pick the things up with two fingers and throw them aside. literally.
happy schuwiht sixteen, squeaky!
hey look people,
i got a picture with toi sieu minn!
*goes into crazy fan mode*
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
i. am. HUNGRY.