sorry for the one week absence,
life's been 7 parts busy, 2 parts lazy and 1 part sleepy.
i went to watch transformers with the ho siblings again.
i quote mingli, maybe with alittle less enthusiasm,
it was "effing" *pardon me* good.
had to get my ass up to school by 6.30 the mext morning for COH and step up step down ceremony. :(
picture credits to natasha, and whoever who handled her camera throughout the day.
the form 5s taught some first aid.
honnn kingggggggg :D
yarnay, pline, keyao and nat.
husband and the other wife.
after en ismail arrived, we had our ceremony.

the old pLs, minus chingwen.
haha i'm so funny i crack myself up -.-
aik and yoke.
nat and keyao. lol keyao damn cute.
lol, i think this pic is damn funny.
aiklynn, always ready for the camera.
yea man. f5s 08/09 boleh.
had to rush to umai-ya for lunch with the family after,
sadly i didnt bring a camera and all the pictures're currently in my dad's iphone.
i hate waking up late and not knowing where i put my stuff. -.-
later that night,
went to old town white coffee at bu8 for aunty chooi kuan (minghan's mom)'s surprise birthday party.
forgetting my camera AGAIN, all the photos're from michelle's camera.
thanks yea :D
sho kewtttttt i wannna nibble her cheeksss.
the family :D
guess who's back, back again
*inside joke
so the day before she arrived,
mei and i went to munyi's house to make a so-called banner for her.
well, it wasnt much of a banner,
looks more like a star NIV project but whatever. heh.
eh btw, what happened to the piccture we took that night ah? lol
sorry la babe, swine flu i paranoid. :P
i kinda missed the food there as well.
sweet and sour pork.
most of them gave the liver to me. kekeke.
forgot what this was called but i like. many many :)
where elephants look like fish and chickens look like mutants.
headed back to munyi's place to play chubby bunny.
oh damn. go google it.
you'd start to taste the nasty mixture of marshmallows and saliva in your mouth,
not to mention the growing ache in your slowly expanding oral cavity.