so yesterday was supposed to be report card day, and i didnt go to school.
temaned jou gymming and swimming at the surian.
would you believe me when i say that i got a weird tank-top tan line by just sitting there for 30 minutes? -.-
and the cleaner guy jou wanted to assasinate.
or complain to her dad about. same difference.
went to redbox for karaoke. ahaha.
started with 4, ended up with 7. ahah.
we had to order a set, which were from 10++ to 16++.
spaghetti that had panmee toppings lol.
and teriyaki chicken.
so they started picking songs,

damn a lot of songs.

*cough, sexy naughty bitchy lollollol
backstreet boys, kelly clarkson, britney spears.. everything la.
but hey, i'm surprised we didnt sing any spice girls. heh.
sorry you couldnt sing your sexyback, emelyn.
they were so damn loud.
'and i was crying on the staircase, begging you please don't gooooo...'
some of the never songs didnt have lyrics though. potong ><
yup, we karaoked to tata young.
there you go mei, new dp for you.
natasha.. you know, everytime "wont go home without you" by maroon 5 comes on, i think of you and camporee.
and how you only knew one line, "it's not over tonightttt".
it took about 7 shots to get a nicer shot of the two of us. lol sorry zu.
damn, my angles never sucked this bad.
and of course, the VIJou.
and a whole lot more affordable!
came up to about 15 bucks per person. :)
that night,
we went for steamboat at damansara village (opposite shell at dJ) for dinner.
look at keamsunn's hungry face. looked like he was gonna eat peckhwa or something.

i've resurrected my liking for yee mee after last night. :P
oh and mei concluded that kun's opened mouth smile actually works for him.

and pauline's uhm orgasmic face? O.o
no kidding, it was damn hot yesterday.
horng qing's mr malaysia smile.
shit sorry, it's blur ><
we merged into one table after that and started playing a game called "I have never..".
and they found out a lot about me too. HAHAHA.
no hard feelings if you guys got zha-ed that night..
all just for good fun. :)
basically, everyone had a bowl of the steamboat soup in front of them, with the ginger chilli added to it.
each person has to say something, like,
"i never played basketball before",
and the people who HAVE played basketball would be the ones drinking one spoonful of that soup.
it's supposed to be a drinking game but we're good kids. :)
so we asked a whole lotta personal and LOL-able questions. ;)
and.. the ride home was.. lol.
kun's no-power-streeing avanza, yoke's L-kancil, and natasha's cockroach.
one day left..