i know i'm halfway through london's posts, but yoke, my friend of 14 years, deserves this. :D
mei, jou and i met up with pauline at ou before heading to wai sek kai for surprise #1 on the 21st.

i'm guessing pauline was really excited for pyjama day the next day or something.. :P
just joking, dont shoot me =x
got to wai sek kai and had some leng chi kang. mmmm.
mei and aik, who planned it i think.

keam sunn! :D
ah jouu so brown ade looo.
so we were there for quite a while, from 9ish till almost twelve.
mei and aik left halfway through to get yoke's cake.
and surprised him from behind :D
heh 18 years old already, big big boi now ahhh.
nat's head looks like it's growing out from yoke's neck. creepy.
'ehh.. you sure yoke not pantang one ah? cause this looks like the funeral candles ler..'
yoke's surprise part 2 was the next night.
we met up at yoke's place on the 22nd.

pretty cake. :D
zhushen was on the phone with yoke, we could actually hear yoke talking on the phone inside.
then we rang the bell.

'...WHAT THEEE?!?!?'
yeah, yoke's face: priceless.

that's right, proper candles on a proper cake. :D
thanks aunty and mr fung for pakat-ing with us! :D
lol, aiklynn.
hope you enjoyed your 18th, my friend. :)
on the side,

someone's leaving soon. :(
will resume london/paris posts tomorrow.
damn sien wei. my eyes burn everytime i turn to flickr.
cny shopping woot woot!