went for a day tour.
trafalga squareeee. haha reminds me if monopoly.

they had this weird car thing that brushes the roads. no wonder london's so clean. -.-
daddy and his video camera.. :(
i sat at the open top area, and my lips turned numb after 5 minutes.
the big ben up close.
the dude who designed the tower was richard, and brit's pet name of richard is dick.
so 'Big Dick' might've caused some sorta controversy somehow..............
NOT london bridge.
i know, i know, i didnt know till jie and ping told me. lol.
the hair was already starting to turn orange. :(
moozie and daggles with the tower bridge.
yeah, jack of all trades?
traitors gate. O.o
london bridge.
the london eye.
some big victorian building. prettyyyy.
dr jack's obscene building.
that's only a few of the many buildings we saw on our 45minute-long river cruise.
spotted CIMB in central london, lol.

stopped by harrods for a bit.
apparently there're some jewels somewhere but we didnt see it. O.o
lots of chimneys.
i think orchard road's x'mas decos can beat oxford street's anytime.
i love the supermarkets in london.
the whole row, CEREALS. can you believe that???
got home and showed each other what we bought.
cynthia seemed to have gotten some sorta lucky streak with bargains.
she bought two beanies for 50pence,
and this bathrobe thingy for what, £2?
dinner wasnt too bad.
honestly, the microwaved indian in london is actually not that bad.
too bad we didnt get to try indian food in london. :(
the ham there kicks ass though. :D
heh, a bit of malaysia in the UK magazines.
is it lagging? :(