Thursday, August 28, 2008

100th anniversary of scouting in malaysia.

went for some event at shah alam.
got to leave school early, miss fiona gave us a ride there.

we got there about half an hour early,
cause they changed the time to 2.30.

yoke, who was aaron wu/ maharaja's apl for the day
trying to hide his i-think-so non-halal lunch.

lih wen was damn sesat
in a uniform about 10x too big for her with no troop number.

yup, it was just the four of us.

i forgot that guys used to wear shorts in primary school.

as usual.

picture taking process was rudely interrupted by tL dear..

the ceremony was pretty boring. just 3 long speeches,

and a buncha kanak-kanak/muda getting their rambu..
notice anything odd?
"oh, congratulations.. you were like me!" -aik.

i got lucky.
*psst, juniors.
you can crop this picture
and put in your jaya/ jayadiri log xD

group picture. spot the 4 of us :)

"jamuan" was a currypuff, a piece of kuih and a carton of drink.

currypuff was really good though :)

with miss fiona.

73rd tradition lives on..


what an afternoon =______=

notice anything wrong?

that's for you, yoke and lih wen.

coughing like crazy,